This Precious Human

I am back from Vibeclipse and other festivities and I'm thinking about the life is meaningful / life is meaningless meme. I want to be in the middle way there. To me that looks like: Make the main thing the main thing, and enjoy it! Take my life seriously, and hold the possibilities lightly. Love myself in every moment. Connect with others at whatever distance feels right. Give my gift as best as I understand it. What if this moment was perfect? What stories make that obviously true?

An expansive life in service of helping others so that they too may find their stories and gifts to confirm that this moment is perfect.

I had been a lifelong nail biter. My nails have been growing out. My hands create abundance. I write the script and I act it out. I observe, I consider, I act with intention. I act with intention.

When I face something internally or externally that causes me to flinch, I wonder: what is the message here? The mask flinch is about identity. I hold high standards for myself, and so the inevitable drops below those high standards can give me pause. Why is there a gap between who I want to be and who I am?

And here, I return to loving myself in every moment. Trusting the unfolding. Being in integrity as best as I am able. Letting myself r e l a x. Taking care of this precious human <3

Find your breakthrough: I offer a pay-what-you-want coaching service where I help you get unstuck, figure out a next step, or get clarity during a one-hour video call. My approach is to uncover the bottleneck of your situation by following my curiosity, and to explore that bottleneck with you. Learn more about the service here.

Get your gadget: I make simple and elegant browser tools. Here are some freely available ones: a GIF maker, a display of scores for Twitter accounts, and a display of daily time spent on Twitter. To inquire about a custom tool I could make for you, send an email to or DM me on Twitter with what you have in mind.

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