My Way

Sometimes my way feels full of contradictions. I execute quickly and slowly. I write concisely and directly, but also obliquely. I've enjoyed my special interest for years but only recently have come to understand the importance of articulating it thoughtfully and carefully, full of care.

I'm coming to understand how much of society is structured by masculine-oriented games. Status, money, power - but for what? I think we're going to die, I don't buy the immortality flavors of the singularity claims, and I suspect that it's good to die, it's a Chesterton's Fence.

If I'm so interested in understanding women's experiences, why don't I read academic papers on the topic? Finding personal epiphanies like this are a great joy of my life. I love to suddenly see something about myself that I had been blind to.

There's something about a person being both the marble and the sculptor that fascinates me. A strange loop. I can simply grow towards whatever flavor of person I want to be by focusing on it. Simple, not easy? Why read an academic paper when I can tweet or watch someone play a random number generator video game? The sculptor sets up the conditions for creation: I could read an academic paper, or I could do nothing. Now it's simple and easy.

Back to death. Making number go up matters for personal security, but I can't take the number with me. So, to me, connections are The Main Thing. Be good to myself and others. Love well. And always, always, always follow my north star.

Find your breakthrough: I offer a pay-what-you-want coaching service where I help you get unstuck, figure out a next step, or get clarity during a one-hour video call. My approach is to uncover the bottleneck of your situation by following my curiosity, and to explore that bottleneck with you. Learn more about the service here.

Get your gadget: I make simple and elegant browser tools to improve your internet experience. Here are some freely available ones: a GIF maker, a display of scores for Twitter accounts, and a display of daily time spent on Twitter. Learn more about the service here.

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